Workflow Digitalization

Digital transformation is not just a buzzword but a priority to high-potential organizations. Many top executives have bought into the value of initiating a digital transformation journey, and those who have started this journey have done so with all the fervour of those with a clear mandate.

At the intersection of business and technology, however, how can you ensure that initiate the proper roadmaps? How do you secure executive buy-in? And how can you ensure that you are getting the most ROI while keeping top-line costs low?

As popular as it is, digital transformation initiatives are rife with potential pitfalls. The most successful projects are those closely tied to your business objectives.

4 Steps to Achieve Results

The following steps are necessary to ensure that digitalization will provide measurable ROI and other desired results.

Assess Processes

Identify Digitalization Opportunities

Compute ROI

Build an Agile Roadmap

Potential Pitfalls

Despite digital transformation (DT) initiatives having the #1 priority, almost 70% of all DT projects fail to meet their objectives. Losses in the past were estimated to be about $900 billion. Why do some DT initiatives succeed while others do not?

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